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Re-queen A Honey Bee Colony

August 16, 2021

Latest company news about Re-queen A Honey Bee Colony

Re-queen A Honey Bee Colony

Identify requirements to re queen a colony by


-assessing the vigour of the current queen
monitor the colony for signs that indicate queen replacement is necessary.

Prepare to re-queen a colony by

-obtaining replacement queens that meet enterprise criteria from a commercial supplier or from own breeding stock
-storing replacement queens and any escort worker bees in appropriate conditions and monitoring them until re-queening is undertaken

-monitoring the hive to ensure re queening occurs under optimum conditions
-confrming that the replacement bee is healthty and free from parasites.

Iintroduce replacement queen bee by

-locating the old queen in the hive and removing her
- in the cases where a queen bee has been raised in a nucleus colony, placing the nucleus colony on top of the colony to be re-queened and separating the two colonies by a single layer of paper, or catching the queen bee and introducing her to the other colony

-leaving the hive undisturbed for a period of ten days.

Monitor the progress of the replacement queen bee by

-monitoring the colony for acceptance of the replacement queen bee after ten days
-monitoring the replacement queen bee for evidence of egg laying and adequate levels of hatching.

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